Thore Soneson Quotes (compiled by Thore Soneson) Lin Chi Wei |
Inspired by the dadaists′ early sound poems, as well as Jean-Jacques Lebel′s Polyphonix, Lin-Chi-Wei developped the idea of audience-body as instrument to the extremity, there is no more music assesories needed except the sound created by the audience themselfs! In this way Lin-Chi-Wei developped a series of sound experiments "body digital music", "body interactive music", "body analogical music". In "Tape Music - Sound Social Mesurements" Lin-Chi-Wei apply his experience of building electronic music patchs into the syncronizing of live chanting sounds, a very special form of "phonetic synthesis" is thus built, the reactive modes is considered to be the only content of this performance, as a form of social mesurement, together with it′s "visible" sound. |